Projection vs Single Flat Panel
You are looking for a single panel display for a bright meeting room, a classroom or a common area. It looks like a choice between LCD/LED flat panels or a projection display. But what is the best solution?
Similar image quality
Both flat panels and projection technology are developing rapidly. Flat panels are getting bigger and cheaper, projection displays have increasingly more brightness and contrast.
Today, it is possible to achieve almost the same picture quality with projection as with LCD/LED flat panels. But it requires an optical screen that can resist ambient light (not a traditional white screen). Projectors can be mounted right above or below the optical screen as an integrated display solution which are almost as easy to install as an LCD/LED.
Big price difference in larger sizes
The main difference between these technologies is the price per square inch when sizes go up. Fierce competition on consumer markets has driven down prices on LCD/LED flat panels in sizes below 86”. In sizes a 86” the price per square inch increases dramatically, while prices of projection displays are more linear. The guidelines below will show you the best price-performance at different sizes.
Display size under 86”:
Choose flat panel
In small meeting rooms for 2-6 people the ideal display size is typically 60-70”. In this range, LCD/LED panels are the optimal solution in terms of quality, ease-of-installation and price.
Display sizes from 92”- 120”:
Choose dnp LaserPanel or dnp Supernova screens
In medium-sized meeting rooms and classrooms for 7-15 people, the ideal screen size is typically 100-120”. For this segment, dnp denmark has developed the 100” dnp laserpanel solution, which offers the same image quality as LCD/LED but at less than 50% of the cost and with two elegant furniture lines that allow you to hide away the projector and other av equipment. You can also choose one of the dnp supernova screens that are available in various sizes all the way up to 120”.
Display sizes above 120” - 220”:
Choose dnp Supernova
Above 100” there is no single flat panel alternative. For large meeting rooms and auditoriums for 15-50 people, dnp denmark has developed two types of projection screens that can deliver large high-quality images without visible seams, like single flat panels: dnp Supernova XL and dnp Supernove Infinity.