All AVIXA Standards
AVIXA is the leading resource for AV performance standards.
Using AV standards is the single most powerful way you can impact the way you are seen by clients. Find links to all relevant standards here.
The adoption of standards is growing fast; from consultants to right through to end-users.
Although standards documents can be intimidatingly formal, at the heart of each one lies simple principles and metrics you can use to specify, test and certify clients’ systems.
Everything we do is driven by these standards and we guarantee to help you tick these boxes every single time. They are so easy to adopt and use, there’s no reason not to! They apply universally to all display types and technologies.
Using standards to question elements in tenders demonstrates your knowledge and allows you to challenge elements in a constructive and non-confrontational way.
The ANSI/AVIXA ‘PISCR’ and ‘ISCR’ image contrast standards guarantee excellent image quality. If contrast levels are too low image quality will be too poor for viewers to see and engage properly with onscreen content. Use the PISCR / ISCR standard to ensure consistently good image quality.
The ANSI/AVIXA ‘DISCAS’ image size standard guides users to correct minimum image and display sizes. If an image is too small to be seen properly, image quality is meaningless. It also addresses resolution, viewing distances and viewing angles. Use the DISCAS standard to find the minimum image size required for a great result.
Visual Displays' founder, Greg Jeffreys, led the task group that wrote this game-changing standard along and has worked on several other standards. He is Chair of the AVIXA Standards Steering Committee, so for advice on using standards, come and talk to the experts!
AVIXA is the leading resource for AV performance standards.
Image System Contrast Ratio (formerly PISCR)
Display Image Size for 2D Content in Audiovisual Systems
The bible for lighting design in workspaces.
The definitive guide on VC lighting.
This newly updated standard is a game changer as it ties the lighting to display performance.