MTRs acoustics
Microsoft’s enhanced meeting room at The Hive features these appropriately honeycomb-style acoustic panels, highlighting how essential good acoustics are in MTRs and hybrid workspaces.
The closer one analyses these premium spaces, the more they seem like awareness-building examples for good space design. In some ways, it might be easier if there were cookie-cutter designs we could all copy and deploy, but it’s better to look at The Hive as a way of reflecting on the individual challenges each space we have to work with. After all, the majority will always be refits and upgrades.
Here we can apparently see hexagonal magnetic acoustic panels being applied to a steel whiteboard. The point here being that it’s never too late to be able to improve a space’s acoustics. There are ranges of materials which combine form and function to enhance spaces’ acoustics - and appearance.
As tempting as it is to go straight to the tech toolbox and buy a fancy programmable audio system, it always pays to get the basics right in a space as the essential first step.
It’s a pre-technology issue, working at the right level of granularity in the space design to ensure the technology budget is best deployed - and will sound and look its best when installed.
My team and I consult in these specialist areas of standards, display design, space design, lighting and VC lighting design. Our services are provided through AV consultants and integrators to be compatible with your existing working practices.
Posted: 5th August 2022