The importance of lighting in MTRs
Even the most basic lighting in Microsoft Teams Rooms and hybrid spaces can be spectacularly wrong - even though improving it may cost nothing. This is why - plus a short video to help you fix it.
The proper term for ambient light is ‘illuminance’, the received light that falls on a surface, which we measure in lux.
In meeting spaces, the illuminance level should be 300-500 lux. Often I measure levels touching 2000 lux. Coupled with a white table top this equals pain!
It’s a fairly simple thing, but one thing I do with clients is to help them adjust their lighting levels optimally.
Get into the habit of using a meter to measure critical positions in workspaces as it really helps you read a space and understand the huge variations that our eyes can’t pick up (as human perception of light is logarithmic).
And carrying one makes you look like you know what you’re doing!
Posted: 6th December 2022