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Screen surfaces - a quick reflection…

The importance of a matt or non-reflective surfaces for Microsoft Teams Room displays - and for all teaching and meeting spaces - is often overlooked. But once that awareness exists you can never not notice it!

Screen surfaces - a quick reflection…

Take sixty seconds to see and understand why.

In this edit from the main Glasgow University case study video, where over 30 displays up to 8m wide using Supernova ALR (ambient light rejecting) projection screen were designed and installed by Visual Displays (in support of the incredible #Kinly Scotland division team) - here we focus on why their matt, anti-reflective qualities are so very important.

In meeting and teaching spaces there is one standing need: to be able to see and engage with the content for extended periods. Shiny screens are the absolute enemy of good user experiences.

Yes, you have to get the basics right. Size is important! AVIXA’s DISCAS standard, whose writing group I led, shows you need much larger sizes than you might hope - and why the concept of ‘Digital Canvas’ has been adopted. AVIXA’s ISCR standard, which I co-wrote, shows that minimum acceptable image quality/contrast is a high bar to jump over.

But even after you tick these boxes there are other distractions and quality-destroyers possible, the worst of these being any reflective quality on the screen surface - whether flat panel or projection or dvLED.

‘Veiling glare’ or even ‘disability glare’ are problems recognised in all the lighting/environmental standards I work with - yet almost universally ignored by those buying and selling displays!

To understand more about how to advanced display specification, please download my White Paper.

The Visual Displays Ltd (VDL) team support consultants, integrators and end users put theory into practice. At Greg Jeffreys Consulting Ltd (GJC) we support the same AV/UC ecosystem to generate optimum meeting and teaching space designs holistically - from displays to room configuration.

Posted: 4th March 2024

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