MTR design - 10 essential elements
What are the ten essential elements to the design, implementation and maintenance of Microsoft Teams Rooms (MTRs) - and all meeting and teaching spaces?
Before any technology is even considered, the room itself must be right. Poor room design can ruin the most advanced room tech. Good room design provides a platform for the room tech to deliver exceptional user experiences - and saves money.
But room design is complicated and unless you take a structured approach, it can prove impossible. At Greg Jeffreys Consulting we use the heuristic of breaking space design into its ten key granular elements and develop strategies for each.
- Room dimensions, windows, doors etc
- Room layout - arrangement & positioning of people, furniture, VC camera(s) and ancillaries
- Room and surface finishes (colour, light reflectivity, sound reflectivity)
- Environmental control (temperature & ventilation)
- Aesthetics and branding (how spaces self-present to clients and remote participants)
- Lighting - for occupants and remote participants
- Natural light & control, window aspects
- Acoustics
- Audio
- Display(s)
For room upgrades we use Marginal Gains Theory to make measurable improvements in each element.
For optimum user experiences, it’s essential to start with the end in mind - to create a room performance standard where exceptional user experiences are captured in measurable, repeatable and certifiable outcomes. At Greg Jeffreys Consulting, we use the latest AVIXA and environmental standards to do just that.
Posted: 3rd May 2024