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How to achieve eye to eye video contact in Teams Rooms and hybrid teaching/meeting spaces?

What is possible now and what are the trends?

How to achieve eye to eye video contact in Teams Rooms and hybrid teaching/meeting spaces?

As part of a series of short articles, Visual Displays' Director Greg Jeffreys discusses all things AV…

This is big topic which breaks into two, namely actual eye to eye contact and simulated.

At my webinar yesterday we covered in detail the step change move to larger display sizes that successful hybrid spaces will use in 2022 (and be used to fix 2021's hasty installs!).

This move to larger display sizes then liberates new choices for VC camera location - either in a small aperture somewhere mid screen or using a small format camera in front of the screen.

Our new VDL Digital Canvas display systems not only address the step change in image size (at a fraction of the cost of dvLED) and camera position - they also make a step change in image quality and suitability for extended work sessions with their matt screens and boosted black levels. 


Find out more here.


Posted: 16th February 2022

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