Latest news for 2022

20 Jan 2022, 09:15
A 16m-high, three-sided digital totem supplied by Necsum Trison to the flagship 25,000 sqm Falabella department store in Santiago, Chile has content influenced by sensors and AR.

19 Jan 2022, 09:08
This 100% essential step in the AV designer and consultant’s workflow is so easy - but usually overlooked.

17 Jan 2022, 09:02
Do your installed display pass the iPhone test?

14 Jan 2022, 10:11
How can we make it feel like remote participants are here in the room with us?

13 Jan 2022, 09:57
Why projection will change in 2022.

12 Jan 2022, 09:37
Teams Rooms on Android with cameras that enable people counting will show warnings on front of room displays and on Teams panels outside the room if there are too many people inside.

12 Jan 2022, 09:11
How do we apply the DISCAS standard to Teams Rooms and hybrid spaces?

10 Jan 2022, 09:31
One-minute video on applying AVIXA’s DISCAS standard to specify display position and size in hybrid meeting/teaching spaces - and how its use is the distinguishing factor between pro AV and IT in the ‘Great Teams Room Rollout’.